Furniture attributed to Thomas Dennis and William Searle.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
H. F. du Pont Winterthur Museum.,
Winterthur, Del.
Chest of drawers,
red oak, 1678.
H. F. du Pont Winterthur Museum.,
Winterthur, Del.
Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.
Tape loom, oak,
ca. 1660-1675.
Property of H.R. Dennis.
Bible box,
Yale Univ.
Art Gallery.
Deed box,
ca. 1660-1675,
Property of H.R. Dennis
on loan to Bowdoin College,
Brunswick, Me.
Court Cupboard,
H.F. du Pont Winterthur Museum
Chest of Drawers,
Joined Great Chair, oak, by William Searle. 1664-1667, Gift of Ephraim Wilder Farley, Class of 1836.
Carved box with drawer, oak, by William Searle. 1665-1700, Bequest of H. Ray Dennis * 1989
Joined Chest, Oak with pine, by Thomas Dennis, 1665-1700, gift of H. Ray Dennis. 1986.
Tape loom, ca. 1668-1700, by Thomas Dennis. Bequest of H. Ray Dennis 1981.
Blood line: Ephraim W. Farley
??- - John Farley & Sarah Dennis 4 Thomas 3 - John 2 - Thomas 1. [Ephraims lineage is not known, but assumed to be a descendant of John Farley and Sarah Dennis.]
Blood line: Henry Ray Dennis 7 (1878-1947) of Gardiner, Me
David 6 John Jr.5 John 4 - Thomas 3 - John 2 Thomas 1
Other Dennis descendants who were alumni of Bowdoin College:
Rodney Gove Dennis Class of 1816
Samuel W. Dennis Class of 1834
Alonzo Garcelon Dennis Class of 1911
Donald D. Dennis Class of 1951